I have two complaints, however. I wish it would allow you to pick a rating to play against. At 3 second difficulty, I have yet to beat it (or even come close). I can easily handle easy 13 though. What I wish is that it would have a something like "play against 1800" or 1600 or whatever elo level, or a sliding scale, or whatever.
Next: I love the fact that you can upload pgn files to the phone and review the games. I have millions of games on my computer. However, my complaint is that I dont have a webspace to publish them to, so I cant get them onto the program. If anyone knows how to do that, or if Lang Software could make it easier to upload the files in the next update, that would be awesome.
Still a 5 star app, and I highly recommend it to the moderate-advanced player. It moves with excellent precision, and lightning speed, and more than fulfills my expectations. My complaints are more like suggestions to improve an almost perfect program
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