Ive owned Chess Genius in many forms since the 1980s, first on DOS then on the Palm and PocketPC. (I even still own a 1980s stand-alone chess computer based on an early version of the program.) When it first came out it was by far the strongest program available, though its no longer in the top 20 on the PC as competitors have evolved ruthlessly over the years. The iPhone version is quite strong and smooth and has most of the features youd hope for in a "pro" chess app. Well worth $3 or even $5, but $10 is perhaps a bit much.
[Ive recently discovered Abaia, a free chess program for iPhones that have been "freed" in a certain way akin to the program Prison Break -- and its a slightly better program in several ways. Its clearly stronger (to great my surpise), nicer looking, adheres to the GUI standards better, and is, well, free.]
ardee00 about Chess Genius