Slow update, pale in comparison to new programs
(Mar 09 update)
Chessgenius is starting to "show its age.". With the arrival of Glaurung chess, which is free and has stronger engine, and now shredder chess, which cost the same but is both stronger, with more features (Elo rating and built-in 1000 puzzles...) and better interface, chessgenius need to provide some improvements quickly to keep up... If you want to pay $9.99 for iPhone chess today, Id reccomend shredder.
(prior review)
First of all, everyone should recognize that this program is capable of playing at master level. For 99% of iphone users, there is no way to beat it at the higher level setting.
This makes chess genius a better coaching tool than just another iPhone computer opponent. This is fine for me and its why I bought it, as I was getting useless hints from other low cost chess program, and felt that I am learning nothing from winning or loosing those games. However, chess genius can still use some improvement:
1. The hint is better than other programs, but its not using the full engine strength. If you just rely on hints you will lose a game pretty easily. At least in the analysis mode, the hint shall show the best possible move. Or, give us an another "coach" button other than "hint" to show the best move associated with the difficulty setting/ calculation depth.
2. The score is a bit confusing. Score also gives us a hint on how the game is progressing and (I believe) shows positive number when the program is leading, and negative one when CPU is behind. But when you play against another person, or set CPU VS. CPU in analysis mode, the sign of the score seems to switching all the time, and its confusing.
3. Need more icons to reduce needed tap. I think the chess genius on Palm still has the better interface, with simple icons for all needed tasks all on screen, plus multiple board size settings. For iPhone, multiple taps are often needed for simple actions, like switch side, undo... Multiple taps just slow things down and feels a bit unnatural.
4. "Second best move" is a good feature and geart idea. It will be more useful if it works all the time, particularly at any step in analysis mode during review or replay.
Dont take me wrong, this is a great program and I think its well worth $10. I just think the developer shall take full advantage of the engines strength and really differentiate the product. Make small interface improvements and this will be and can be marketed as the best portable chess tutor, make user happier, and brings more sales.
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Chess Genius