This is my 3rd hand held chess application, 1st on the iPhone. The graphics are great, and the set up very efficient. My only complaint is that I did not know the game title was a prerequisite for the buyer!
By that I mean, the levels of play are not scaled to allow progressive learning; you must be a chess whiz to stay in the game at any level. Even at the lowest level ("0-Easiest") the chess engine knows some pretty sophisticated maneuvers, i.e. "en passant" with a pawn, and it never makes the sort of mistake a human beginner (or intermediate!) would make.
True, you can take back moves, and the game will even tutor you with the advice that a move was a bad one. BUT, by the time you get that warning, the only way to stay in the game is to surrender the controls to the engine for every single subsequent move. You are already backed into a corner where the master has calculated every permutation. Accept the advice to take back the bad move, then make any move on your own in a following step, and you will just be slammed in a different way.
So any but the most proficient chess player will end up not just defeated, but crushed by a master over and over again, an experience that does not help teach an advancing player.
I found the PocketChess for Palms, and even Apples iChess instructive. I lost many early games, but each was a "close" game, and I eventually worked up to become a better player, occasionally beating the engine, and then setting it for a higher level of play. With this engine, every game is a loss to the best. Just too darn advanced.
Santorini33305 about Chess Genius